Friday, January 2, 2009 @ 1:32 AM

Yesterday, My sister and I were invited to Kai's New Year's party. At first we thought we were late because our maid joked that it was already 12 but then we're not, in fact we were a lot early. We actually have to wait till kai is finish changing. And the worst thing is I'm not comfortable on what I'm wearing my boobs were showing...LOL...and I have a cold that was pretty annoying, I mean I have to go to the bathroom several times since I don't have a tissue..errrr....
Well, when Kai was finish changing, we still have to wait for the food.When we are still waiting, we talked about a lot of stuff like Breaking Dawn, when Bella forced Edward to make out with him which Kai doesn't like and she also called Bella stupid for doing it. And we also talked about Titanic and the song Love story by taylor Swift. After an hour maybe, the food was ready and I'm really starving since I didn't ate breakfast. And we also ate desserts which is really good, I ignored the fruit cake and the salad instead I ate sweets. And also Sanie arrived, she was late actually.
After eating we went to the upper floor. Kai played her skateboard and so Sanie joined her. I played with there motorcycle like ride, It was really fun. After that, we decided to go to Robinson. Kai got another pierce, it's her third pierce BTW..hehe..And she said she would get another one nxt week. I also bought a bulero which Kai really likes and she hated me for buying it..haha..Justine bought a shirt which Kai recommended her to buy. Kai also bought a black shirt with a heart design on it. When it's already 5 we decided to go home with tita Gamay. Yesterday was a lot of fun!