I'm lost in your eyes
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This blog includes my thoughts, feelings and comments.
This blog is like a diary which I could write anything I want.
So have fun browsing my thoughts!XD
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Saturday, January 17, 2009 @ 5:21 AM
Okay, yesterday was pretty annoying. Tin and I were late for school and before we could get there we notice the we don't have our I.D.'s and as usual we stayed at the guardhouse and waited for our big sis to bring our I.D.'s. School was boring, it really is. After class we still have to take our review test, 1 hour of another boredom.err.When we arrived home I was expecting to see our uncle. I mean, my sister and I still haven't seen him since he arrived the other day. but apparently he went bowling with his friends. We waited for him till 11:00 and finally he did came, he talked to us like for a minute and then told us that he will go again later.LOL.