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This blog includes my thoughts, feelings and comments.
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Saturday, May 1, 2010 @ 4:23 AM
"Let me live my LIFE"

Remember last year when I posted about my hair being cut. Well now, it's another post related to that because I cut my hair again. And it's really short. I hate it. When I first saw myself, I felt like dying and I thought of killing myself. Not again. Every year when my hair is long enough my control-freak grandma forced us to cut it. We can't opposed because it's always her decision that should be followed. And do we have a choice we're living in her place. And that fact is so depressing. I can't live my life because of her. All the rules should be hers. And it's starting to annoy me, now that I'm getting older the rules is also increasing. And it feels like I'm being choked to death.

My hair is really really short. I look like a guy. I look like a lesbian. It's UGLY. IT'S HIDEOUS. HORRIBLE. PERIOD. DONE.

(I don't want to write anymore, it's depressing.)