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This blog includes my thoughts, feelings and comments.
This blog is like a diary which I could write anything I want.
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Monday, January 26, 2009 @ 4:02 AM
Pasundayag 2009

Today was our sportsfest or "Pasundayag". All members of tribe Holstein, including me, had to looked like a cow girls and boys since it's year of the "OX". Our cheers and Yells totally gave me a bit of nervousness. I'm so afraid to be embarrassed, almost all of the members hadn't memorize our cheers and formations, "I mean how could we performe like this?"After we performed I observed the other tribe's cheers, wow, they suck more.haha.
We barely joined any sport this day. Jin, Abbie, Tin and I spend our time in the morning surfing the net in the Library. We watched my hilarious post about Indians.LOL.
In the late afternoon I joined Kicksoftball. I was supposed to be an actual player but then, when the game almost started Sir asked me if I could get some cups in the Faculty Louge, I was supposed to say "Sir, I have to join this game, I am the next player...wait!", but instead I rush my way in the room and got some cups. Afterwards, I found out that they changed me in the list because I was late. I was pissed! Fortunatley they did let me joined in the near end of the game. After the game, we fixed our things and was supposed to go home but when we were walking in the field I saw him (my crush), my reaction: BLANK. I really didn't react, I just embrace the moment looking at him from a far.LOL
After we got home, Tin blamed me because we hadn't said "goodbye" to our uncle, He already left last 5:30 o'clock. We got back in the house 5:40 and tin started blaming me for joining the game.err.
