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Friday, June 5, 2009 @ 1:58 AM
boys over flowers Pictures, Images and Photos

I've been regretting the first time I watched Boys over Flowers in Mysoju.com. It made me watched the whole series for just 2 weeks. I've been wondering, what if I didn't watch in advance? For sure, I can still be optimistic about the upcoming happenings. But now I can't be eager anymore. I'm not really regretting watching it, it’s still Boys over Flowers and it's really pleasing watching in advance. I just can't believe that it's all over now. I can't sleep not watching a single episode. I also bought a DVD which makes me more delighted about it. That day on, I'd been watching it everyday and it took me 2/4 episodes for ONE day. Well, at least I haven't watched 15 episodes for a day (I knew someone who watched 15 episodes straight), I mean that's exhausting and I would seriously have scarred eyes after. Anyway, I can't stop thinking the fact that I can't be thrill anymore. That's why I am REALLY hoping for a second season.

The ending was great, but it doesn't feel like it's really over. Jan Di never answered Jun Pyo's proposal. And it's a big QUESTION MARK!!! Also, Goo Joon Hee's love story is still vague; they didn't really show something about the guy. And Woo Bin still hasn't had any partner. How about Yu MI and Jae Kyung( I really love Jae Kyung, she's really cool), what happened to them? Seo Hyun She never showed up again, she should be the partner of Ji Hoo. There are so many questions that are not yet been answered. So there must be a second season. They can add up some problems and climax, like Yu Mi seeks revenge! Like that. Nevertheless, I really love the objections part where Jun pyo was already proposing then suddenly Ji Hoo, Yi jeong and Woo Bin appeared saying "I object!", It's really nice. The ending when all of them were looking at the sun. It's perfect! But THERE SHOULD BE A SECOND.