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Saturday, August 22, 2009 @ 11:41 PM
Exams Pictures, Images and Photos

Last week was a lot of pressure for the long test (DAMN SOCIAL STUDIES) and the exams (ANOTHER DAMN). It's just stupid because last Monday and Tuesday was our long test in Social Studies(my head hurts those days) and on the exam which is in Wednesday, social studies was the very first subject. Why does Ms. Bambie needs to give us long test if she could just give it all in the exam. It's the reason why hadn't have time to study on my other subjects it's because of SOCIAL STUDIES( My worst subject). And you know what, after the exam Ms. announced that we should retake social studies because some our classmates had no answers. But what about me and the other learners that answered it correctly? It's so unfair! And Statistics, and I didn't finish answering statistics! I shall beg Ms. on Monday to let me finish the exam. Man, Wednesday was the worst day ever. But yet, Thursday was fine really easy. Science and English, my favorite subjects. But I still had doubts if I could pass all the exams, I didn't really study that well. So no expectations. But I hope I would at least pass some of the easiest subjects.