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Thursday, January 29, 2009 @ 4:40 AM

This day is exhausting. I'm tried. I'm distressed.

Tomorrow, I have to be in 2 contests, Lip sync and Vocal duet in our Litmus day. They just told me this afternoon that I am the lead in lip sync. I will have tp practice three songs during the night: Part of this world, Kiss the girl and Under the sea.I'm really tired! I can't imagine my self doing all of the job tomorrow. Ok, so I practiced all night. My voice is starting to crack and I have to sing " My heart will go on".err. My tribe is torturing me!
I suck in lip synchronization...
It was embarrasing especially in the third song. At first, it was just fine. But in the second and the third song, It was horrible! I was not singing at all and I kept on looking back at the other people behind me. I was too shy and timid. I don't know what to do!
Ok, so Iris and I got 1st place in the vocal duet. We didn't won because of ME. I was so fast in every paragraph of the song. I was so nervious, and so I failed to win the contest.ahh!
Not to mention the third judge, she's scary and so serious.
I hate the tribe leader in dexter tribe, he is so arrogant(Sir Maynard!). KA MANOL SA IYA!